
Karan Johar’s Candid Revelation: Shah Rukh Khan’s Unwavering Support

Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar recently shed light on his personal journey and the trials he’s faced, especially concerning his sexuality. Often targeted by trolls and mocked for his distinct personality, Karan found solace in an unexpected corner—Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan.

In a candid chat on the ‘We Are Yuvaa’ podcast, Karan reminisced about the days when understanding and acceptance were hard to come by. He said, “Growing up, my natural expressions, considered effeminate, were often a subject of amusement or ridicule. As I matured, the whispers around me might have faded, but they never vanished.”

However, Shah Rukh’s friendship emerged as a beacon of hope for Karan. “Shah Rukh, having been around diverse individuals from theatre and other walks of life, seemed naturally inclusive. His nonchalance towards my demeanor, his earnest conversations with me about my identity, offered me a rare comfort,” said Karan. He emphasized, “Shah Rukh might not fully grasp the magnitude of his support, but he was my pillar during those challenging times.”

Karan also shared an intriguing anecdote from his school days. In a bid to blend in and be perceived as “cool”, he feigned a crush on a female classmate during his 10th grade. This act, he described, was his “first tryst with reality”.

Fast forward to today, Karan is a proud father to twins Yash and Roohi, born through surrogacy in 2017. In this beautiful journey of parenthood, his mother, Hiroo Johar, has been a steadfast pillar of strength and encouragement.

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